Ebola: 19 People Died, 39 Affected in DRC. - HEYKAYJONES BLOG



Tuesday 15 May 2018

Ebola: 19 People Died, 39 Affected in DRC.

The World Health Organization said  Democratic Republic of Congo has reported 39 affected confirmed cases of Ebola between April 4 and May 13, including 19 deaths.

It said 393 people who identified as contacts of Ebola patients were being followed up. Information about the outbreak in Bikoro, Iboko and Wangata health zones in Equateur province was still limited.

At present the outbreak did not meet the criteria for declaring a “public health event of international concern”, which would trigger the formation of an emergency WHO committee.

The global health outfit confirmed to Reuters in a telephone interview that it had some 4,000 Ebola vaccines ready to be deployed across the DRC.

The deadly Ebola virus resurfaced in DRC last week pushing the WHO to quickly move in to liaise with authorities in the country to contain the spread.

Courtesy of REUTERS Reports
